The visioneer

Philip Conteh


Evangelist PHILIP CONTEH was born to a solid Muslim household on the 1st of December 1978 in Lunsar, Port Loko District – Northern Province, Sierra Leone, West Africa. He became a Christian by the DIVINE plan of God for his life.

At age five, his parents decided to send him to live with his uncle to learn the Quran in preparation for taking over his father’s responsibility as the Imam of their village, Makomp. However, before Philip left for his uncle’s residence, God sent His servant, the Late Rev. Dr. Joseph Sedu Mans (Snr), who was impressed by young Philip’s, then called Issa, intelligence and comportment. He later requested the permission of his parents to become his foster parent.

His parents and Mr. and Mrs. Mans agreed to Philip’s immediate relocation from his village to live with the Mans family in the Baptist Convention Sierra Leone (BCSL) Mission Headquarters in Lunsar, where he grew up to be a Christian by God’s grace. Growing up in the Mission compound, Mr. & Mrs. Joop Brongers took over the financial responsibility of Philip’s education based on the favorable recommendation of fellow Dutch missionaries Mr. & Mrs. Hans Aisha Oosterloo (BCSL Treasurer then). As a result, the couple financed his education from the primary level till he attained his Masters Degree in Business Administration from the University of Sierra Leone in 2017.

Since his baptism and acceptance of Jesus as his personal Lord and savior, Philip has become instrumental in organizing youth activities, church programs, and outreach programs in any community and church he has been a member of. He also participates in other forms of evangelism through the support of pastors, and he always finds pleasure in making his time and resources available for the service of God Almighty. Philip also finds joy in bringing smiles to less privileged individuals and groups. He provides scholarships for pupils and students to give them hope for a better future. In his hometown of Lunsar, he has built a reputation for organizing annual crusades and revival programs involving all churches through the Council of Churches, where many souls are saved through these programs.

Philip worked as a Community Development Officer with INGO/NGO for five years and later as Head of Human Resources in the banking industry for eight years. He resigned to start up his private building materials business in 2019. The vision of JAG ministry in Sierra Leone came to him in July 2022 after spending several days in prayer and fasting asking God for His assignment for him. He is a family man married with children. He is the sole financier of all JAG ministry activities, but the organization is open to donations and support from outside groups or individuals.

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