Kambia District

JAG ministry is on the move with the vision of reaching to Pastors in remote rural areas of the country. We have started with Kambia District and we are currently operating in five chiefdoms; Magbema, Tonko Limba, Samu, Munu Masungbala and Bremaia. We thank God for His grace as we were able to start with fifteen (15) Pastors from different churches.

JAG Ministry -Sierra Leone works with the leadership of Kambia District Pastoral council to identify most vunerable pastors as beneficiaries. The photo below shows -Bishop Simeon B. Kamara who is the current president (at the middle) of the Kambia District Pastoral council and his immediate executive members on the move to Samu Chiefdom to identify beneficiary pastors for registration under JAG Ministry Sierra Leone in August 2022

Rev. Alusine kargbo and family (One of the beneficiary pastors). Baptist church kassiri samu chiefdom together with the Visioner durring registration of first set of fifteen (15) beneficiary pastors

Holy bible and one umbrella were presented to each of the fifteen (15) registered beneficiary pastors in August 2022. The first special gift from the visioneer, Evangelist Philip Conteh. Below are some of the photos of beneficiaries:

Pastor Ibrahim Turay of New Harvest Church – Mafufuneh Village Samu Chiefdom reciving his first gift from Visioner after registration
Pastor Shaka A. Samura of New Harvest Church – Kamanko Village Tonko Limba and family receiving his first gift
Pastor Santigie Serra Sesay of Chrismatic Church -Royanka Rupupr Village receiving his first gift
Pastor Simah Sieh Bangura of National Pentecostal Church Madina, Tonko Limba receiving his first gift
Rev. John T. Kanu of Bethel Ministries church Madina, Tonko Limba receiving his first gift
Pastor Siddi P. M. Kamara of Samitown memorial Church and family, Semitown receiving his first gift

Evangelist Philip Conteh delivering words of encouragement and expectations from beneficiary Pastors. See picture below.

Irrespective of the road condition and terrain the Gospel of Jesus Christ MUST reach the unreached before the glorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ

LEFT – Pastor Patrick Kanu (New Harvest Church)- field coordinator 1 trekking on difficult roads to meet beneficiary pastors.
RIGHT – Water baptism by Rev. John T. Kanu. 40 new converts were baptized in the month of September, whist 77 were baptized in the month of October 2022

After Sunday service photo at Madina Tonko Limba Bethel church with Rev. John T. Kanu.

These are samples of the new converts who accepted Jesus as their personal Lord and Saviour and under go water baptism through pastors of JAG Ministry – Sierra Leone

A person for soul winning for the Kingdom of God.

Field Monitoring officers from Kambia District pastoral council interacting with beneficiary pastors

Pastor Shaka A. Samura of New Harvest Church holding Bible teaching sessions with community people

RIGHT – Water baptism by Pastor Shaka A. Samura of New Harvest Church
LEFT – Pastor James M. S. Dumbuya displaying his monthly food and clothing support from JAG Ministry- Sierra Leone with joy of appreciation

LEFT – Sunday Service at the National Pentecostal church at Madina Tonko Limba
MIDDLE – Visioner doing unannounced Sunday service visits to beneficiary pastors of JAG Ministry- Sierra Leone
RIGHT – Midweek church program with Pastor Santigie Serra Sesay of Chrismatic Church at Royanka village

27th December 2022 Soul Winning Mission for Kambia District:
Orientation of second set of 45 new pastors and certification of the first set of 15 pastors at Kambia District from 8 chiefdoms.