We have our focus

  1. Monthly feeding support: Each beneficiary Pastor will receive every month one 50kg bag of rice and a cash amount
  2. Scholarships for their children: Biological/ adopted children under the age of 23 will benefit from a yearly annual scholarship
  3. Medical support: The Pastor and their family will receive free treatment from any nearby medical facility or referred hospitals in case of serious illness
  4. Pastoral Empowerment Training: Pastors can be moved from their localities to attend training workshops/seminars to increase their knowledge of their expected religious duties
  5. Annual Conference: To occur at the end of each calendar year.  Beneficiary Pastors will meet at a rotational Regional Headquarters town to share experiences and to do an honest evaluation of the impact of the interventions of J.A.G. Ministry in their respective churches in terms of membership growth and the number of new souls who were won and Baptized.  The conference will also serve as an interaction point to strengthen and build up other colleague Pastors.

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